We’re changing young lives in San Antonio.

Kids can’t learn if they’re hungry.

snack pak 4 kids in san antonio tx

Since 2012

Feeding the Children of Bexar County

In Bexar County alone, over 100,000 children are considered to be food insecure. Of those, it is estimated 10-20% actually deal with chronic hunger (i.e. they lack adequate nutrition to lead a healthy, productive life). Although Federal Nutrition programs provide meals for students during the school week, weekends can be especially challenging for these children.

Individually or as a group

Get Involved

Snack Pak 4 Kids® San Antonio was created to provide weekend food supplements to students who are identified by their teachers, creating food SECURITY for them over the weekend. With the support of partners, donors and volunteers of all ages, SP4KSA works hard to be a learning enhancement tool for these kids, solving their weekend hunger issue so they can learn during the school week.
Snack Pak San Antonio get involved
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Change a life

You can make a difference.

Whether you choose to make a single donation or become a steadfast and regular supporter, we deeply appreciate your commitment to the kids in our program. We want you to take pride in knowing that every cent of your contribution directly funds our ability to provide weekly Snack Paks for our kids. You are doing much more than feeding these wonderful kids, you are enhancing their educational outcomes and improving their ability to succeed in the classroom, both academically and socially. You are making difference. Your generosity is truly valued. Thank you!

$175 feeds an elementary student for an entire school year!

63 Partners

Serving over 63 schools in 6 different school districts in Bexar county

2,000+ Volunteers

Honored to have over 2,000 volunteers helping us within our communities

4,000+ Students

We serve over 4,000 children (students) weekly

100% to Food

100% privately funded through partnerships, donations and grants

I like knowing that the efforts I put in at Snack Pak help kids around my area have something to eat each week.

Young Men’s Service League - Alamo Chapter

Graham C. - 11th grade student volunteer

We know that children need to have their basic need met before we can even attempt to reach them academically.  This program helps to make sure families have the essential requirement of food.  THANK YOU!!!!

Sunshine Cottage staff member

I do Snack Pak 4 Kids because I understand what it is like not to have a snack when you get home from school.  My sister and I were raised by a single mom and I want to give back to the community.  I work at a school and I see the children come in hungry, so I know how important it is to have a snack.

Nu Eta Sigma Alumnae Chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc.

LaTanya Staley

I have a student on the Snack Pak program whose family became homeless toward the end of the year.  She was very happy to be able to bring home snacks for the weekend and it gave me some peace of mind knowing she would have something to eat.

Stahl Elementary staff member

Special Thanks

Our Partners

Our partners utilize their resources, finances, talents and time to support Snack Pak 4 Kids® San Antonio. We couldn’t do the work we do without the generous support of our partners. Our partners assist our mission in a variety of ways, including financial gifts, logistical support and volunteer teams.